Written By Erin Rose

Your Full Moon in Aries arrives on Thursday 17 October at 10:26pm (AEDT). This fiery Aries energy is here to transmute any dramatic or chaotic relationships in your life, helping to clear away distractions so you can stay on your true path and live in alignment with your highest self.

As Libra season began almost four weeks ago, it has likely brought your attention to relationships, seeking balance and harmony. Libra's influence strives for fairness, but with the Aries Full Moon approaching, it may stir up relationships that are not giving you an equal exchange of energy, love, or respect.

Rather than resisting these disruptions, welcome them. They are clearing the way, giving you more space to focus on your own dreams, desires, and what feels truly authentic to you.

Setting boundaries is a vital part of this process. Don’t feel pressured to remove them just because someone else finds them uncomfortable. Boundaries are what liberate you, allowing you to take responsibility for your safety and energy, creating the freedom to pursue your passions without distraction.

Here’s how to empower yourself under this potent Full Moon:
  • Be honest with yourself and others
  • If you want something, go after it with full force
  • Practice yoga, improve your posture, and stand tall in your power
  • Be fearless in your pursuit of what sets your soul on fire
  • Lead with your heart, allowing it to guide your actions
Embrace this Aries Full Moon as an opportunity to stand in your truth and create the life you truly desire.

I invite you to join me in my upcoming women’s circle, where you can create sacred time for yourself and keep your rituals alive.

Simply click here for my upcoming events, or contact me to create a personalized ritual just for you.

Lots of Love,
Erin Rose

To learn more about The Light Witch, visit: LightWitch

You can follow her magic on Instagram @lightwitch_ 
