The Sun moves now from the grounded sensuality of Taurus to Gemini as we plunge into a dynamic season of change. Distinguished by a pretty pair of eclipses and its ruler in fabled retrograde, this next season offers us the keys to our own personal revolution as we all dance the axis between past and future.
Geminis are switch hitters par excellence, their quicksilver minds streaking ahead as they deftly morph into their next iteration. The mirror has far more than two faces in the twin’s mansion. It contains the many faceted multitudes that make a gem sparkle. In this space nothing is fixed, a longer term life lesson for recovering control freaks or stubborn stuck in the muds. Adaptability is the name of the game and not a thing is guaranteed by any force beyond your supple self. Extinction is coming for those who cannot or will not evolve. What was known cedes to the vast potential of new understanding, as our receptors open wider to meet the update in kind.
The realm of the twins is a land of ideas ruled by Mercury and his canny cunning, offering tangents and pivots in spades. It can give your mind wings and fly you into uncharted territory, but not if you lug the weight of all that has gone before. Cue the eclipses on our next full and new moon to jettison the dross. Transformation travels light, shifting gears at a moment’s notice.
Mercury’s retrograde through his home state will offer myriad opportunities to expand understanding, revise our past and current projects alike and all the while mess with our best laid plans. All the better to slingshot us towards a brighter future than we may have imagined. Dispense with any madly Merc astro-hysteria and hitch your wagon to the magic of this much maligned transit. With a focus on the gaining of knowledge, the cultivation of uncommon communication and the balm of understanding, Merc is at his best in his glittering nativity even when travelling backwards. A boon for creatives and the terminally uninspired, flighty and flirty, Mercury’s retrograde zig and zag will disrupt regular reprogramming. Depth focus is traded for a cornucopia of possibility, transformation writ large for those who can change their minds.
Each eclipse season is a reckoning and a release. Every six months when the sun and moon meet to cast shadows we are extended a liberating invitation and tantalising escape hatch. Eclipses slipstream us into fresh currents that carry us beyond the present and towards the future we conjure under their gaze. As we move through Gemini, the time is ripe for change and the truly dynamic will be rewarded by the brave new world they create.
Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26
Mercury retrograde from May 30 to June 23
New moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10
Image by Cosmic Collage

Bohomofo is an Australian writer and astrologer who blogs daily her Astro for the New World. You can join Bohomofo online for regular full and dark moon events that include the astrological inside running, ritual, meditation and storytelling. Bohomofo hosts The Coven Electric for the witch-curious and works by day as a tarot reader and shadow guide. Discover her magic on Insta here or at