When we heard Lean Bean were offering Ibiza Power Yoga session as part of their summer challenge, we had to find out what it was.

Everything you need to know to inspire you to fire up your flow by instructor Georgia Sinclair.




What is Ibiza Power Yoga?

We have created Ibiza Power Yoga just in time for Lean Bean’s Summer Well Bean Challenge. It is a dynamic vinyasa-flow style practice led by the breath and enjoyed with music of the white isle. Structurally, it is characterised by sun salutations, fiery flows that warm the body in the lead up to various peak poses, eventually simmering to a well-earned cool down and relaxation to calm the mind and balance out the moments of intensity.


Three words to describe Ibiza Power Yoga?

Dynamic, fluid, fun.


What is the music that you flow to?

Ibiza has long been known as both a spiritual and electronic music capital of the world, and so the music is carefully curated to reflect this. Vocals are kept to a minimum – allowing the mind to enter a more meditative state and the body into a more flow-like state. The intention is to create a moving meditation. Close your eyes and you might just land in Café Del Mar.


What changes? 

With the more subtle layers of the body i.e. the mental, energetic, emotional and spiritual. This is achieved through intelligent sequencing combined with the power of our breath and mindfulness. Whilst a one-off yoga practice may leave you feeling lighter and relaxed, a consistent practice is where you will experience more transformative shifts. Yoga is ultimately a practice of mindfulness and by moving mindfully, the strength and flexibility (both physical and mental) that we acquire on the mat helps us to cultivate a deeper sense of awareness that can be taken into life off the mat. Our thoughts, words and actions can only come from a more conscious place when we are in a more calm and centred state.


Why should someone give it a go this summer?

Ibiza power yoga is open to all – whether you are a seasoned yogi looking to add an element of playfulness into your practice or you are drawn in purely because you like Ibiza… there is something for everyone. Whilst power yoga is a strong and challenging form of yoga, I like to teach in a way where everyone who comes into the room can walk away feeling like they’ve done something. There will be options for all and layers to either add on or take away depending on what you need.


Ibiza is the magic island where anything is possible, what do you hope this yoga style helps to inspire in people trying it?

Come with an open mind and be bold enough to try something a little different – you might surprise yourself with just how much you’re capable of. Too much of life is serious, so let’s have fun in our yoga practice. After all, with hedonism at Ibiza’s roots… it would be rude not to enjoy.


Do other locations have specific yoga flows developed around their personality? If so, can you name others and what they are known for?

Many yoga communities in central America combine the modality with elements of their own culture such as shamanism, ecstatic dance and cacao ceremonies. Something I’m definitely keen to try!





