Kate Kendall shares her top tips
How do we come back to ourselves when we feel so pulled apart? How do we lean into trust when, at every turn, we're given reasons not to trust? I'm suggested we use a mix of stillness and playful movement to come home to the body and in the present - that place where we feel most alive, most creative, most at ease.
This might feel like a far cry from finding centre but one of my favourite ways to come back to my body is by fine tuning the playful art of going upside down. I say 'playful' because when I take myself too seriously, I generally end up frustrated and out of my body. Being inverted is also great for digestion, immunity and circulation.
Breathwork is my number one. It's this incredibly powerful, potent and effective way to change state, manage a state or sustain a state. It's easy, effective and free. Get yourself to a breathwork class pronto and start picking up some tools. I teach The Breath Experience every Wednesday at Flow Athletic. Come along.
There's nothing like a deep dive into the ocean, fully immersed, nor a forest bathing to get you back to you. Whether it's a little hit in your local park - barefoot - or a big juicy longer stay immersed in bird song and the crunch underfoot...sip, savour, enjoy.
After years and years of practicing yoga, Japa is something I've started to lean into lately. It's the repetition of a certain mantra using mala beads. Each mantra is said to hold magic and can create a certain environment or state within. Well worth a try and especially good for dropping you into a deep state of meditation.
There's nothing like doing what you love to get into a flow state and a flow state continually brings you back to yourself. For me one of those things is guiding yoga experiences for people. It brings me back to my body and grounds me, only always.
Words kindly crafted by Kate Kendall, C0-founder of Flow Athletic