Studio Spotlight: Total Tone in the heart of Clovelly

Founded by friends and former ballerinas Olivia Ippoliti and Josie Frick, Total Tone is a pilates studio located in Sydney’s beachside suburb of Clovelly that strives to empower, connect and elevate the lifestyle of others.

We speak with Olivia and Josie about the inspiration behind Total Tone and what makes this studio so unique.


Tell us about your studio, what was the inspiration behind it?

Our passion for Total Tone lies in the art of movement, the functionality of fitness and the love of dance. As both former ballerinas our love of movement started at a young age. We then ventured into the world of pilates, functional training and fitness. The transition was seamless, and we discovered that by combining the elegance of movement and the structure of exercise we could pass on our knowledge to help empower, connect and elevate the lifestyle of others.


What type of Pilates practice do you focus on and why?

We offer such a variety of classes with Pilates at the core. From a slow juicy burn to a high energy HIIT workout, we focus on the benefits each style has to offer. We pride ourselves on leaving Total Tone feeling worked and empowered.


What do you love about your community? How would you describe the overall vibe?

We love our Clovelly community. It's honestly one of the highlights of opening Total Tone seeing the studio buzzing with people chatting, morning coffees, post workout swims and just bringing life into the space. We also feel so grateful to be surrounded by other supportive and encouraging small businesses. It's the best strip on the block.


What can people hope to find in the space you've created?

When you come to Total Tone you will find a warm and inclusive space. A place to work out but also a place to unwind and feel good. We both strive to inspire, nurture and guide clients to achieve their individual goals, connect with themselves and create a happy relationship with fitness.


What is unique/different about your studio?

Something that's really special at Total Tone is that we have small class sizes, which gives us the opportunity to work closely with our clients on their form and technique. With both of us coming from a strong ballet background the execution of movement is important to us. We are proud to have a strong team who have the same passions and beliefs to guide our clients to work out with safe but powerful movements.


Tell us how you each 'Own The Morning'?

Truth be told one is an AM and one is a PM. Can you guess which is which?


How did you each find Pilates and what led you to it?

Both of us were huge movers and groovers when we were kids, so movement has been essential from a young age. You always feel better after moving your body and that's the same ethos we bring to our studio.

Even the smallest actions are steps in the right direction. We highly encourage starting small with one or two consistent Pilates classes a week, pick your day and it's a non-negotiable in your weekly routine. More often than not, your body will begin to crave the movement you've begun on the mat and in no time, it will feel become a part of your daily practice.


Visit Total Tone to learn more about them and their classes.

Also check out their instagram @total.tone

